I am honored to be invited on this journey with you. This document outlines the policies and procedures to ensure our coaching relationship is productive, respectful, and clear. Please read it thoroughly, as it will help you understand what to expect from our sessions and what I expect from you. 

Coaching Agreement 

Coaching is a collaborative process aimed at helping you define and achieve your personal goals. I am here to listen, be present, and provide feedback based on what I see and hear. My role is not to diagnose or  “fix” you, but to act as a guide in your journey towards personal growth and well-being. 

Session Details 

Duration and Frequency

Each session will be 50 minutes. Sessions can be held in person or via Zoom. For Zoom sessions, a link will be provided via email beforehand. You are welcome to schedule as many sessions as you want, as frequently as you want, using the scheduling calendar provided at jasonpidcockcoaching.com 


You are welcome to email me with any questions, concerns, or scheduling needs. I will respond within 24 hours. 

Booking and Cancellations 

Sessions can be booked online at [www.jasonpidcockcoaching.com](http://www.jasonpidcockcoaching.com). 

Cancellations with 24-hour or greater notice will be fully refunded. Cancellations within a 24-hour window of scheduled time will be eligible for a 50% refund. 

Fees and Payment

Sessions will be purchased at a rate of  $100 per session for 1-1 coaching, and $120 per session for 1-2 coaching. Please visit the website for any weekly group, online classes, or seminars and their associated fees and descriptions. 


Your privacy is of utmost importance. All payment information, contact information, and session content will be kept confidential and never shared without your written consent. The only exceptions to confidentiality are: I am legally required to report that someone is an immediate threat to their own or another’s safety, or in the event of the abuse of a minor. 

Client Responsibilities 

Honesty and Transparency: I expect you to show up as honestly and transparently as you are capable. Your active participation is crucial for the success of our coaching relationship. 

Coaches Responsibilities 

I will listen attentively, and be fully present during our sessions. I will provide feedback based on what I see and hear, helping you define and work towards your personal goals. 

Feedback and Evaluation 

Your feedback is essential to ensure that our coaching sessions are beneficial for you. Please feel free to share your thoughts on the helpfulness of each session so that we can make necessary adjustments for your particular needs. 

Termination of Coaching 

Either party may terminate the coaching relationship at any time. Should this be necessary, I do ask that we discuss the reasons to ensure clarity and closure.